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How did AB5 Change California Worker Classifications?

A common question that taxpayers ask their tax attorney is whether a worker is an independent contractor or employee. In addition, what are the boundaries to that distinction? What are the factors? What if the worker prefers to be an independent contractor, has her or her own business, works for several employers simultaneously, and has...
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If you have a tax liability and you default on your IRS installment agreement, the IRS will generally terminate your installment agreement. However, you may be able to reinstate your IRS installment agreement without providing updated financial statements. As a result, reinstating an IRS installment agreement may be a prime option. The IRS will terminate...
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EDD “Safe Harbor” Rules for Independent Contractors

In our last blog post we discussed what happens if the EDD reclassifies your independent contractors as employees. In this post, we’ll discuss how to ensure that that doesn’t happen if you have domestic workers. These are considered the EDD “safe harbor” rules for employers. According to the California Unemployment Insurance Code, section 687.2, an...
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The EDD Independent Contractor Test

If you are a business owner in the State of California and you have individuals working for you, it is critical to know whether those individuals should be classified as independent contractors or employees. The EDD uses an independent contractor test when analyzing the factors to determine whether a worker is an employee or independent...
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IRS Tax Filing Season to Begin On Schedule

In spite of having passed through the longest government shutdown in the nation’s history, the IRS has confirmed that the IRS tax filing season will begin on schedule. Read more in the article below.

IRS Reopens After Government Shutdown

Although the IRS has reopened, some speculate that it could take up to a year to get back to normal. Read more in the article below.